"Please don't Touch the walls!"
A common sentence heard in hallways everywhere... but with a little creativity, the right materials and time, you can change that to:
"Please Feel and Touch as you go by"![]() ![]()
Textures are in picture frames, then mounted to wall or room dividers.
Embroidery Hoops hold the material and then are mounted to wall.
They don't have to be all squares - be artistic!
Mix media & textures for interest & variety.
Ideas on How to Fasten:
These are colorful cutting boards - they can be placed on floor or wall.
Material Ideas:
Need Game Ideas:
The Beaker Game: challenges players to move the 6 colorful molecules at the bottom of their beakers around so they match the arrangement seen on the formula cards. The tricky part is players can only use their stirring rod to interact with the molecules and the special rotating platform. Navigating the molecules, one at a time, into the correct positions strengthens motor planning,
Go Go Gelato! Using 4 cones, 3 scoops, 2 hands, and 1 challenge card, players, race to fill customers’ orders as quickly as they can! Pass the scoops back and forth between your cones, being careful to not touch or drop them. Make your cones match the card. Helps reinforce visual-spatial skills, problem solving, attention to detail and hand and arm skills.
Bilateral motor coordination
ball skills
cooperative games
crossing midline
fine motor coordination
gross motor
group activities
in-hand manipulation
inside activities
messy play
motor planning
obstacle course
pencil use
sensory processing
story starters
upper body strength
vestibular; balance
visual motor skills
"Yes-Please Touch!"