Do The Laundry!
- Sort and Match: Take your pairs of socks and put them in a big pile and mix them up. Have your child find the matches: you can work on concepts such as same, different, big and small.
- Sock basketball: After you have sorted, matched, and folded your socks together see who can throw them and make a basket (into your laundry basket) Too easy? Shoot for a tupperware or bowl.
-Use a broom and sock to play sock hockey or golf!
- If you have clothespins, strengthen those fine motor skills and pinch the clothespin putting the two socks together.
- Your child can help with sorting other laundry also- Can they find all the pants or shirts that belong to them? Sort by size or color?
Kitchen Fun!
- Rubberbands and soup cans; Take as many rubber bands as you can find and strengthen those little fingers by stretching the rubberbands over an empty soup can. When you are finished you have a pencil holder!
- Cooling rack and pipe cleaners or string. Use your cooling rack as a lacing tasks. Have your child lace under and over between the wires of your cooling rack with a pipe cleaner, string or even shoelace licorice. You can also use a colander instead of a cooling rack.