Get those wheels turning with these fun brain games! You can do the in the car, on the train, waiting in line or while getting on a plane. These tricky brain games get those wheels turning!
Alphabet Games
- Can you say the alphabet backwards? Can you complete the alphabet if you start at letter K? What about starting at letter P? Sounds easy but give it a try.
- Pick one word, any word. Umbrella or beach- how many new words can you make from the letters in that original word?
- Pick one letter- Now look around- how many items can you find that start with that letter? How about finding items that end with that letter?
Number Games
- Can you count backwards from 100? How about count backwards from 100 by 3s? 100-97-94-91-.......? How about from 50 by 4's?
- Look around for numbers- how many can you find? Can you add them up or subtract them? What number do you end up with?
- Play this next one with a 1 minute time limit. Pick a number and an item in the environment. You have one minute to find that number of your item. Example for in your car: You have 1 minute to find 10 New jersey license plates.