When you aren't doing homework and need to complete writing neatly. Here are some fun handwriting activities you can do at home or in school.
- Write in various textures: shaving cream, sand, salt, pudding, ooblique (cornstarch and water mixture) or paints. Take one of these textured media and spread on a cookie sheet or tray. Use your finger to trace or write shapes, letters, numbers, or words. You can always use shaving cream on the bathtub wall for easier clean up.
- For those of you who are not a fan of messy play, seal your media in a plastic Zip loc bag and trace on top.
- Practice forming letters with small items. Take a piece of construction paper and write a letter, now have your child cover the letter with whatever small item you choose. You can use beans, buttons, pebbles, cheerios, or small pasta. Erase and try a new letter. You can also trace the letter with glue, then glue these small items to the paper. This activity can also be themed- for example use appleseeds for A, beans for B, cheerios for C, dots for D, and so on.
- Writing and coloring over texture. Take a piece of sandpaper or cardboard and place it underneath your wirting paper. This will provide input as your child is writing or coloring over it.
- Write with chalk. You can write with chalk on a blackboard, construction paper, outside on the sidewalk or concrete wall. When you are finished writing, trace your letters with a damp sponge to erase reinforcing the formation of letters.