Let's make Letters!

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Construct A Letter
Letter Construction Activity Set:  This awesome new product is a must buy!  Attractive, beautifully made set of 60 color coded plastic pieces snap together to build all the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet.  Activity cards show you what component pieces you need to collect and provide a full color guild for construction.  Reinforce letter construction, prewriting skills along with motor planning and fine motor skills.  Largest piece is 10" in length.  Item # W7868

What Else Can We Use?
While the above product is an awesome addition to any therapy bag or play room, there are some easy at home items you can use to form letters, numbers, and shapes.  Practice letter formation with more than pencil and paper, you can use:
Popsicle sticks and straws: You can form all kinds of shapes, letters, and numbers.  The curves are difficult with popsicle sticks but you can use pipe cleaners or string to form those little and big curves.
Salt or sugar: On a cookie sheet or tray, pour enough sugar or salt to cover the bottom and have your children form the letters, numbers, or shapes. 
Zip loc bag and pudding: Place some pudding about half way full in a zip loc bag.  Seal the bag and lay flat on the table.  Easily write letters, numbers, words, or shapes.  You can place the bag on colored paper for a better contrast.  You can also use paint, shaving cream, or shampoo in your zip loc bag. 

Gross Motor Letter Fun
Forming letters isn't just for the table.  All you need is a roll of tape and some space.  With your tape form letters on the floor.  You can make them small or large.  Here is an activity for each:
Make small (approx. 12 inches) letters with tape on the floor.  Have your child take their favorite cars or dolls and see if they can form the letters over the tape.  Make numbers and shapes as well.  You can also use buttons, coins, or pasta
Make large letters: you may not have room for many, depending on where you are but form letters with tape (approx, 3 feet in height).  Now you can use them as part of an obstacle course or gross motor game.  Propel your scoorer in the form of the letter.  Or jump from top to bottom.  Make sure you form your letter correclty even with jumping, hopping, or walking on them. 

Story Starting Fun
We were hiking through the woods when we reached a clearing and....
We were having a crazy talent show at school, my act is going to be....

We packed up a bunch of stuff and ....
We jumped so many times,  we almost... 

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Complied by Lisa Walker OTR