Scissors: So Many Choices- We'll help you decide & "Scissor Tips" Handout

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So Many Scissors? Which ones do I use?

Self opening, loop, mini loop, left handed, right handed...... Who would have thought that you would have so many choices in scissors? Here's few favorites and their features to get you started. Please visit to see the full selection of scissors available.

Mini Loop Scissors: 5" total size. Loop has a wider grip for greater stability and will automatically reopen when pressure is released.  Great for those just learning to squeeze scissors closed. 

Loop Scissors: Larger self opening loop scissor.  For older students with limited abilities or when hand strength is weak. Comes in right and left handed. 

Total Control Scissors: Shorter precision cut blades, blunt tip, safer angle, and an extra loop for the index finger. 

3" (Benbow) Learning Scissors: These wonderfully crafted scissors were designed (by Mary Benbow) specifically for little hands. Non-slip coated, child-sized finger holes and short, sharp blades allow for increased control and more successful cutting! (A therapist favorite for learning and skill development)

Goldilocks Scissors: Same design as the 3" learning scissor, but without the non-slip finger holes. Great as a learning and practice scissor. Priced right for classrooms and groups.

Self Opening Scissors: This scissor combines added control with greater ease of self opening mechanism.  A longer handle provides a place where fingers just naturally fit into. Shorter - regular length handle also available.

3" Learning (Benbow) Scissors

Total Control

Mini Loop Scissors

Regular Loop Scissors

Goldilocks Scissors

Self Opening Long-Handled Scissors

Snip And Cut: Scissor Tips and Activities

Scissor Skills require fine motor strength, motor planning, and bilateral coordination.  Great pre-scissor activities include using tongs or tweezers to pick up items, punch holes in paper, squeeze eye droppers, clothespins, spray bottles, and tearing pieces of paper.  Once your child is ready to put a pair of scissors in their hand, here are a few fun activities!

1. Place stickers randomly on a page.  Now follow from one sticker to the next with your scissor.  Or you can draw a maze, giving boundaries to cut within, place stickers throughout the maze, following to the end. 

2. It's ok to cut more than paper! Get a variety of items from around the house and practice cutting, it will more than likely be more interesting for your child.  Cut straws into smaller pieces to string.  Or cut sponges into all different shapes and sizes, now you can use them to build! Or cut the ends of toilet paper or paper towel rolls, rolling them strips up to make an octopus

3. Bring your scissors outside!  Cut smaller branches, blades or grass, or stems of flowers. What else can you find to cut outside or in. How about putty or clay, paper scraps, envelopes, magazines, newspaper, thinner food boxes (cereal box)


It's fun to cut then build with sponges (found at many $1 stores)

Make a sticker path or maze to follow.

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