Basic Play:
- Everyone randomly places a different colored ring on each finger of 1 hand EXCEPT the thumb.
- A design card is turned over revealing the order of colors.
- Then the fun begins on the count of 3! 1, 2, 3. Go!
- Players race to transfer the rings to their thumb using in-hand manipulation only.
- No help from the other hand - elbow on tabletop as needed to force isolated in-hand skills be used.
Easy Play:
- Begin with no rings on. Players look at the card and race to put rings on their thumb.
- Each player gets their own design card to complete. No racing involved.
- Everyone randomly places a different colored ring on each finger of 1 hand INCLUDING the thumb. So when start is called, players must transfer the ring off the thumb if it is not the correct starting color.
- Everyone randomly places 2 different colored rings on each finger of 1 hand EXCEPT the thumb. (Colors will be repeated.) This will require more planning because rings will need to be moved around in addition to transferring them to the thumb.