Seek and Find: As you are walking around the beach, look for pebbles, rocks, shells, small pieces of wood. You can use them for the following games.
Sand Darts: Find a large, open area and draw a circle in the sand. Now break up into teams. You can have the shells vs. the rocks. Standing about five feet away from the circle, try throwing your shell or rock into the circle. Each one landing into the circle is one point but if it lands right in the center-five points! Eye hand coordination, motor planning, turn taking, and a great way to interact with friends and family while you are on the beach.
Some changes to the game- Make the circle larger or smaller, make more than one circle and have each one be worth a different amount of points. Stand farther or closer away to your target!
Beach Tic Tac Toe: Draw a large tic tac toe board in the sand. You can use your shells and rocks instead of X's and O's
Make A Face: With your collections of shells, rocks, and drift wood- How many faces can you make? Can you make your whole family? Or maybe make more than a face, try making a whole body.
You can also practice letters and numbers. Can you write your name? Or your friend's name? How far in the alphabet can you get before running out of shells?