After having the summer off, many children don't want to get back to all that work! So start to ease into handwriting with these fun activities!
Alphabet Games: Start with any letter or start in order now set the timer. How many words can you write starting with that letter before the timer goes off! Work together, play as a team, or individually. Work on letter recall and formation!
Too hard to sit and recall words? Write the alphabet on a paper, then walk around your house and see what you can find for each letter. Can you find something for each letter of the alphabet in one room?
Too easy? See if you can write a whole sentence with every word starting with the same letter! Aunt Annie asked about an app!
Round Robin Writing: Writing as a group! Have each student write a sentence on the paper, then say "switch!". Now the students have to read the sentence and second sentence then Switch! Continue to do this until you write about 5-6 sentences. When you are finished the stories, give them back to the first write to spell check, edit and read to everyone.
Too hard? Start with a single word then add on to make a sentence. Want to make it a little silly? Fold the paper so you can't see the word that was written prior. When you are finished does it make a sentence or a silly string of words.
Too easy? Set a timer- each student has 3 minutes to write before they have to switch. They may have to switch midsentence!